Archive for June, 2012

Lasting Impression

Lasting Impression

Uggie may not have taken home an Oscar for his role in The Artist, but he has the honor of being the first dog to leave his paw prints in cement as part of Grauman Chinese Theater’s walk of fame. His sidewalk paw impressions are almost as distinct as if he was stepping on a [...]

Bow Wow

Bow Wow

And the winner of the World’s Ugliest Dog Award goes to . . . Mugly, a Chinese Crested Short Snout. Mugly beat out 27 other beastly-looking pups for the title this past weekend in Petaluma, CA.

Happy Take Your Dog to Work Day!

Happy Take Your Dog to Work Day!

Started 13 years ago, Take Your Dog to Work Day is the holiday that brings added meaning to working like a dog. We hope all of our readers are sharing their corner offices and cubicles with their best friends. And while it’s OK for your dog to bark orders at the office, remember that you’re [...]

Breathe Easier with Dogs

Breathe Easier with Dogs

A new study reports that having a dog in your home can prevent your kids from developing asthma. Dogs possess certain microbes that, when carried by dust to human noses, can boost the human immune system to particular viruses associated with triggering asthma. Time magazine

Cold Treat for Hot Dogs

Cold Treat for Hot Dogs

Canines in Rome are licking their chops for a new gelato-like treat made just for them. And because temperatures there are already in the high 90s, the cooling concoction has been in high-demand. We’re guessing licking the stuff out of a cup can get pretty messy, so if you import some into your home, be [...]


For those who want a dog without the dog food bills and curbing, perhaps this is the answer. But then again, if the dog robot breaks down, we suspect the IT bill might by higher than a vet bill. For more details:

Pupulation Explosion

Pupulation Explosion

There are now more than twice as many pets as children in Japan, with a majority of those pets being dogs. Hmmmmm, that means they could probably use more dog beds.

An Orca’s Best Friend

An Orca's Best Friend

Meet Tucker, a dog trained to sniff out pods of Orca in the ocean to help scientists study their health. His incredible nose makes tracking the animals and evaluating stresses on their habitat easier for researchers.

Dog Years

Dog Years

Popular belief has it that every dog year equals 7 human ones, but leave it to the wise Heloise to correct the equation. Check out her more accurate formula at the link below, and, depending on your new calculation of your own dog’s age, get ready to throw a sweet sixteen for your 1.5 year [...]